Sunday, June 27, 2010


Today has been a very productive day. A few days ago I got an email to test out new software by Mypublisher. It is my favorite site for make albums from digital pictures. They are launching a new version and needed people to test out the beta software. I guess because I have ordered so many books from them I was chosen and those who participated received a $75 voucher to make a photobook. I thought that was totally worth it since I really enjoy making these books. The only catch is the voucher expires on Wednesday so I made the book today. I would have liked to save it and use it to make a book from our upcoming cruise by instead I made a book titled "Our First Year in Washington, DC". It looks great and I am looking forward to it coming in the mail soon. I was able to get overnight shipping so as soon as it is made it will be at my doorstep. Afterwards I spent time organizing the downstairs, cleaning bathrooms, and doing laundry. That's a typical Sunday for me! As I was walking Abby there are a few beautiful hydrangea bushes around the property so I picked one. I love much that they were in my wedding! I don't remember seeing hydrangea bushes much in Florida but they are beautiful!

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