Thursday, July 15, 2010


So it's been so long since I last posted that I doubt if I have any followers anymore. On the 2nd of July we left to drive down to Florida. It was such a long and dreadful drive...especially in Northern Virginia. It took us 3 hours to move 31 miles. I wasn't happy and either was Matt or Abby. When we got to Florida it rained for days and days, keeping us indoors which wasn't too fun. Luckily the weather did a turn for the better right before we left for a cruise to Mexico. My parents took us on a cruise, with my brother and his girlfriend, for our 1 year anniversary. We had such a wonderful time and as soon as I get a chance I will upload some pictures onto the blog. We went on a 5 day cruise to Cozumel, Mexico out of Tampa. We spent most of the time on the boat eating, tanning, and then eating some more. Food is never a shortage when you are cruising the seas. Cruises are such a fun and easy vacation. Once you've booked the cruise you don't have to worry about anything else, I just love that. Thank you Mom and Dad for treating us to such a great vacation. Now I am in Florida for the summer and it's been so nice to catch up with family and my dear friends. Although we are apart now it never seems that way once we are back together. I am so lucky to have the greatest friends in the whole world! I don't have my computer, I left it back at home, and I am not too savvy with photo things on other computers, I really miss my editing software. But, I promise to update more once I get some energy to grab my camera and upload the pictures onto my dad's laptop. Right before Matt left I uploaded the pictures from his camera so this one is from Chakannab Park in Cozumel. It's such a beautiful and amazing place!

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