Saturday, June 26, 2010


I decided that since it is summer and I am not working I  need to start using my camera more so I will be taking a picture a day again. I can't promise I will post everyday because I have a few road trips and vacations that will be happening soon. I will still make sure to take a picture a day and post when I have a computer and internet access. I had a great weekend. Friday night we went to my aunt and uncle's in DC to have homemade pizza made on the grill. It was absolutely delicious. That is something I should have taken pictures of...I regret not capturing the fun or the marvelous food but with my picture a day I will be more apt to take out my camera again, like I used to. When we woke up today I had planned on doing some summer cleaning, I leave on Thursday for Florida and like the leave the house spotless before I go. Before we started cleaning I thought it would be nice to get a good lunch so we headed to Chili's. Instead of coming home and cleaning Matt watched the World Cup and I went downstairs to nap and watch a movie. Quite relaxing but now I am frantic to get this place picked up. I guess the cleaning will begin after dinner! Tomorrow Kate and I will hang out, which I am looking forward to. Not sure what will be doing..maybe lunch, shopping, errands, or pool time. That's the beauty of don't have to plan ahead. My parents return from a 9 day trip from the primitive area of Costa Rica, I look forward to hearing their stories. Here is a picture of our chips and salsa from our lunch and also a beer truck that's been parked  outside our condo for a few days....too bad they aren't passing out samples for the summer ;)

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