Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sorry for the hiatus

It's been forever since I updated, I apologize! Summertime is finally here and I am so excited! Last week was a super crazy week with the end of the year 5th grade activities and closing of the school  year. We had 5th grade promotion last Tuesday and it was a wonderful event. I didn't bring my camera since I wouldn't be able to keep an eye on it and I really wouldn't have had time to take pictures anyways. The kids all dressed up and we had a great turn out of parents, it was really nice. The PTA gave each of the 5th grade teachers a bouquet of flowers, which is what the picture above is from. Friday was my first day of summer,  I spent the day by the pool in DC with my aunt, uncle, and cousin. It was so relaxing and it felt so nice to be in the sunshine! Sunday I went out for a friends birthday, which is where the cake picture comes from. Abby (my puppy) is enjoying spending time with me too now that it is summer. I came down with a horrific cold/flu so I have been spending the last few days in bed. Abby isn't complaining one bit. Tomorrow I am going outlet shopping and am really looking forward to it. After that my plan is to clean my closet to make room for all of my new summer clothes. I'll be in FL in less than 2 weeks...I can't wait. I will try to update more now that it is summertime. This blog was a jumbled mess, but that's how my life has been the last week........

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