Wednesday, June 2, 2010

5th grade visits Philadelphia

Yesterday we took our 5th grade field trip to Philadelphia. It was a busy day but the kids had a great time. We toured Independence Hall, The Liberty Bell, Christ Church, and the Constitution Center. The kids arrived at the school around 6:15, had breakfast and we were on our way by 7:00 am. It took us about 3 hours to get there and as soon as we got there we were greeted by our tour guide. I wasn't too sure about him at first but he ended up being great. I felt rushed the entire trip but isn't that how it always is with 72 kids in a tourist area? On the way home we stopped at a rest stop, which is what the kids seemed to enjoy the most. They ate mounds of junk food....I am sure they went home sick. I am hoping to do a pluses/deltas chart with them tomorrow ... I will be surprised if food isn't the top item on the plus side. The kids made great memories, which is really all that matters in my opinion. Kids don't have a chance to be kids in school anymore and I find that kind of best memories of school were all of those fun activities, trips, movie days, holiday and birthday celebrations, crafts, etc. Our next trip is the pool party on Wednesday and then promotion a week later! Hooray for the end of school year activities.

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