Thursday, June 3, 2010

I don't have a picture today, just words...

Today was a very busy but good day! School is just insane....but it's a good insane. All of the end of the year activities are coming and each day is filled with something different. I can't believe I only have 2 weeks left with my students, I hope they come back and visit me next year. The last two years I have taught 4th grade so I was able to see my kids for another year. It was much easier to say goodbye that way...

My mom came into town and is going with my aunt to New York tomorrow. I was able to have dinner with them in Bethesda, and that was just wonderful. I love family dinners and really miss having them. I am going to force my husband to have family dinners often once summer comes. I think that will be really good for us. I guess that means I will be busting out the cookbooks and visiting the grocery store often. I also think that this will help me shed the pounds that I gained over the past year...10 pounds, ouch. I am at my heaviest and am not liking it all. I guess that is what cold, snowy winters do to you.

I just ordered 4 new books for summer read off of, I can't wait to read them. One of the books I ordered was the prequel to Sex and the City. I had no idea the book even existed until my brother's girlfriend, Dani, told me. I am super excited about that. I also ordered Emilie Barnes' book More Hours in My Day. My friend Carolyn raved about it so I am looking forward to reading it and am open to any advice that she gives. I will keep you all updated on what I learn!

Two more weeks until I am off for the's been a trying year.....but I have learned so much about myself, being a wife, a northerner, shoveling snow....and I have grown so much as a teacher. I am looking forward to next year and think that things will be so much easier for me. I would have to say the last two years have been filled with so many new and exciting things....I am looking forward to even more new things happening over the next two years.


  1. I love reading about your life. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. I love you!

  2. Aw, Kim! I am glad I have ONE reader...hahaha. I love reading your blog too, it's a nice way to keep in touch. I love you too and you ARE MOST DEFINITELY the best friend ever. xoxo

  3. I read your blog too! It sounds like you're having a great end of the year. The final weeks of 5th grade really are different from the younger grades. So much excitement!
