Thursday, July 15, 2010


So it's been so long since I last posted that I doubt if I have any followers anymore. On the 2nd of July we left to drive down to Florida. It was such a long and dreadful drive...especially in Northern Virginia. It took us 3 hours to move 31 miles. I wasn't happy and either was Matt or Abby. When we got to Florida it rained for days and days, keeping us indoors which wasn't too fun. Luckily the weather did a turn for the better right before we left for a cruise to Mexico. My parents took us on a cruise, with my brother and his girlfriend, for our 1 year anniversary. We had such a wonderful time and as soon as I get a chance I will upload some pictures onto the blog. We went on a 5 day cruise to Cozumel, Mexico out of Tampa. We spent most of the time on the boat eating, tanning, and then eating some more. Food is never a shortage when you are cruising the seas. Cruises are such a fun and easy vacation. Once you've booked the cruise you don't have to worry about anything else, I just love that. Thank you Mom and Dad for treating us to such a great vacation. Now I am in Florida for the summer and it's been so nice to catch up with family and my dear friends. Although we are apart now it never seems that way once we are back together. I am so lucky to have the greatest friends in the whole world! I don't have my computer, I left it back at home, and I am not too savvy with photo things on other computers, I really miss my editing software. But, I promise to update more once I get some energy to grab my camera and upload the pictures onto my dad's laptop. Right before Matt left I uploaded the pictures from his camera so this one is from Chakannab Park in Cozumel. It's such a beautiful and amazing place!

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Today has been a very productive day. A few days ago I got an email to test out new software by Mypublisher. It is my favorite site for make albums from digital pictures. They are launching a new version and needed people to test out the beta software. I guess because I have ordered so many books from them I was chosen and those who participated received a $75 voucher to make a photobook. I thought that was totally worth it since I really enjoy making these books. The only catch is the voucher expires on Wednesday so I made the book today. I would have liked to save it and use it to make a book from our upcoming cruise by instead I made a book titled "Our First Year in Washington, DC". It looks great and I am looking forward to it coming in the mail soon. I was able to get overnight shipping so as soon as it is made it will be at my doorstep. Afterwards I spent time organizing the downstairs, cleaning bathrooms, and doing laundry. That's a typical Sunday for me! As I was walking Abby there are a few beautiful hydrangea bushes around the property so I picked one. I love much that they were in my wedding! I don't remember seeing hydrangea bushes much in Florida but they are beautiful!

Saturday, June 26, 2010


I decided that since it is summer and I am not working I  need to start using my camera more so I will be taking a picture a day again. I can't promise I will post everyday because I have a few road trips and vacations that will be happening soon. I will still make sure to take a picture a day and post when I have a computer and internet access. I had a great weekend. Friday night we went to my aunt and uncle's in DC to have homemade pizza made on the grill. It was absolutely delicious. That is something I should have taken pictures of...I regret not capturing the fun or the marvelous food but with my picture a day I will be more apt to take out my camera again, like I used to. When we woke up today I had planned on doing some summer cleaning, I leave on Thursday for Florida and like the leave the house spotless before I go. Before we started cleaning I thought it would be nice to get a good lunch so we headed to Chili's. Instead of coming home and cleaning Matt watched the World Cup and I went downstairs to nap and watch a movie. Quite relaxing but now I am frantic to get this place picked up. I guess the cleaning will begin after dinner! Tomorrow Kate and I will hang out, which I am looking forward to. Not sure what will be doing..maybe lunch, shopping, errands, or pool time. That's the beauty of don't have to plan ahead. My parents return from a 9 day trip from the primitive area of Costa Rica, I look forward to hearing their stories. Here is a picture of our chips and salsa from our lunch and also a beer truck that's been parked  outside our condo for a few days....too bad they aren't passing out samples for the summer ;)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sorry for the hiatus

It's been forever since I updated, I apologize! Summertime is finally here and I am so excited! Last week was a super crazy week with the end of the year 5th grade activities and closing of the school  year. We had 5th grade promotion last Tuesday and it was a wonderful event. I didn't bring my camera since I wouldn't be able to keep an eye on it and I really wouldn't have had time to take pictures anyways. The kids all dressed up and we had a great turn out of parents, it was really nice. The PTA gave each of the 5th grade teachers a bouquet of flowers, which is what the picture above is from. Friday was my first day of summer,  I spent the day by the pool in DC with my aunt, uncle, and cousin. It was so relaxing and it felt so nice to be in the sunshine! Sunday I went out for a friends birthday, which is where the cake picture comes from. Abby (my puppy) is enjoying spending time with me too now that it is summer. I came down with a horrific cold/flu so I have been spending the last few days in bed. Abby isn't complaining one bit. Tomorrow I am going outlet shopping and am really looking forward to it. After that my plan is to clean my closet to make room for all of my new summer clothes. I'll be in FL in less than 2 weeks...I can't wait. I will try to update more now that it is summertime. This blog was a jumbled mess, but that's how my life has been the last week........

Sunday, June 13, 2010

4 days until summer!

We had a great weekend...and it the last weekend that I have to spend Sunday night worrying about what the work week will bring. Summer vacation is just 4 days away! Friday we took it easy and ordered in pizza and watched a movie. It was just the type of night that I needed. Yesterday we ran errands and then went to a BBQ and Flip Cup party at our good friends' Rob and Linz's was so much fun...thanks for having everyone over guys! Today we went to Costco and got a bunch of great items. I love that store but each time you go you spend a small fortune. The main reason we went is I told my students who completed their reading and spelling homework all quarter I will reward them with icee pops....well the Costco we went to didn't have then. I got Edy's Fruit Bars instead, I am sad because the kids won't enjoy them as much, but I hope they like them a little bit! Tomorrow we have a busy day at work getting ready for 5th grade promotion which is on Tuesday. Wednesday is the students last day and Thursday is my last day. I always dread packing and cleaning my classroom but I hope to have most of it done before Thursday. I can't wait for summer. I have so many things I want to catch up on and so many places and people I want to see! I chose this picture from our honeymoon in St. Lucia because it reminds me of summer!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Field Day

We celebrated Field Day today! It was such an incredible event and the kids just had a blast. I overheard a bunch of kids saying that this was the BEST DAY EVER! I love hearing that and I love seeing hundreds of kids with big smiles on their faces for hours. Our PE teacher did a great job planning this, I was just amazed. I was in charge of the Dry, Dry, Wet station which was similar to Duck, Duck, Goose but with a sponge. The kids loved the station and they really enjoyed getting wet. I tried to play photographer for the day too. It was one of the busiest days of the year...but I am noticing myself say that a lot of days this month. I really do love these end of the year activities because it is so fun seeing the kids just be kids. As I looked over all of the pictures there was one common thing in each picture..SMILES and LAUGHTER.....I just love it. Great job, Ms. Powell, huge pats on the back go to YOU!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Pool Party

Today was the annual 5th grade pool party. It was such a blast!!! The weather was a little cool in the morning but it ended up being a beautiful day. The kids had so much fun...not one of the 72 kids complained about anything and we had zero behavior problems...ahhhhhhhhhhh, if all days could be like this! This was an incredible pool, it reminded me of a water park. There were 5 slides, waterfalls, lily pads to jump across, water bucket dunk tanks, etc. I wish I was a kid with this pool in my backyard. Although I didn't get to swim, I got to tan all day in the lounge chair...I definitely could get to used to this life! Hahaha...I am so glad the kids had such a great time and I hope they cherish these wonderful fun times forever. Tomorrow is field day! I am loving these end of the year activities, even though they are making me completely exhausted on the weekends.