Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 8

Today I flew to FLORIDA with Jaime and Abby (my dog) . It was the first time she has been on airplane and I thought it going to be a hassle traveling with a dog but she was a dream. It was so easy! Anyways, the flight ended up being a disaster. We circled over Tampa for 40 minutes because they couldn't land due to weather. So, since we were about to run out of gas we had to go to the Orlando airport to refuel. As soon as that was done the big storm came to Orlando so we had to sit on the tarmac for what seemed forever. Abby was so good throughout the landing and relanding and sitting in the plane for over 7 hours. Hey, we could have gone to Europe in that amount of time! We ended up getting into Tampa about 4.5 hours later, but least we are here!

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