Saturday, March 20, 2010

Day 3

Happy Spring! It was a beautiful day the DC area today!! The high was in the low 70's which is such a nice change to the terrible winter we had this year. Abby and I enjoyed walking all around our neighborhood many times throughout the day. I actually wore shorts legs haven't seen the light of day since early October. They are as white as ever, I cannot wait until I am in Florida next week. When I come back to Maryland I hope to have a nice tan or even a burn..anything but this pasty, white skin! In celebration of the sun shining and the trees finally budding a little I took a picture from my balcony. Yay for sunshine and warmth! If it would just stay warm at night...although the days are warmer I still find myself using the heat in both the house and my car in the mornings and evenings.

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