Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 6

I was so busy today and therefore just exhausted. Work was crazy and then I had to run errands all night to prepare to leave town. There just never is enough time to get everything done. On the way to work there was a gorgeous sunrise...tried to get a picture of it, stuck my camera out the window...but I didn't have much luck. I think the car in front of me thought I was crazy so I didn't make a second attempt. Since that wasn't a success I took a picture of my CHART PAPER disaster in my classroom as well as a few other things that occured during the school day. Those of you who teach..especially ESOL kids...know that we have to model all the time. Charts are always falling off the walls...tape just doesn't stick...so I totally gave up, ripped them all off of the wall and put them behind my desk (good thing no one goes back there). I am almost embarassed to post these but I promise they will all be cleaned up soon! I talked to building services today and they are going to wax the floor while we are on Spring Break so this means I have to find a home for all these lovely posters that I have spent hours and hours on...the trash can is sounding like a perfect home for these guys right about now! Anyways, I figured I would give you a look into the eyes of a real day of a teacher: objectives written on the board, models up so the kids know what to do, lunch bunches to reward the kids for good behavior/homework completion, pep rallys to pep the kids up for the state test, and handmade cards for the teacher.

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