Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 14

It's been another great day in FL. Spent the day at Ozona Blue with some wonderful friends. Before we went there Kim, Laila, and I hung out at the Marina. I was playing around with the functions on my camera and got this picture. At first I thought it was a picture that needed to be deleted but then I showed Kim and we thought it looked pretty cool. The shutter speed was a bit too slow...still working at really learning my camera and the different lenses that I have.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 13

I went out to lunch with 2 of my old colleagues and dear friends. We laughed, reminisced, and just had such a wonderful time! This was our view from the restaurant. Oh, how I wish one of these boats were mine. For some reason, Maryland doesn't have in the water boat storage year-round.. ;)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 12

It was pretty chilly here today . I didn't get a chance to lay out but I did try to spend some time outdoors with the pups. Abby is just loving running by the water, on the dock, and being off of her leash, all the things she can't do in Maryland!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 11

Sorry for the lack of professional looking pictures..

I spent the night with a very dear friend of mine and her gorgeous daughter, Laila. I wanted to take some really nice looking photos but since her mom is a photographer I thought I would spend my time playing rather than snapping away. I did get a quick picture...Laila is such a perfect little girl!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 10

Well this post is in honor of Jaime. I am the matron of honor in her wedding and we had her shower yesterday as well as a pseudo bachelorette party so I am posting two pictures from that. The picture of Jaime with her beautiful ribbon bouquet is my photo of the day (because I took it) but I just had to post the one of all the girls in Jaime's bachelorette mobile...a decked out golf cart. Limos are SO overrated! We went out to downtown from my parents house and just had so much fun! I love wedding festivities!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 9

Ahh...........FLORIDA! So happy to be back in the sunshine with palm trees and the ocean all around me!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 8

Today I flew to FLORIDA with Jaime and Abby (my dog) . It was the first time she has been on airplane and I thought it going to be a hassle traveling with a dog but she was a dream. It was so easy! Anyways, the flight ended up being a disaster. We circled over Tampa for 40 minutes because they couldn't land due to weather. So, since we were about to run out of gas we had to go to the Orlando airport to refuel. As soon as that was done the big storm came to Orlando so we had to sit on the tarmac for what seemed forever. Abby was so good throughout the landing and relanding and sitting in the plane for over 7 hours. Hey, we could have gone to Europe in that amount of time! We ended up getting into Tampa about 4.5 hours later, but least we are here!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 7

Today we took a field trip to the University of Maryland. It was a beautiful day to tour such a beautiful campus. We were also lucky enough to spend some time with the ACC player of the year..Greivis Vasquez, the kids had a blast (and so did I!)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 6

I was so busy today and therefore just exhausted. Work was crazy and then I had to run errands all night to prepare to leave town. There just never is enough time to get everything done. On the way to work there was a gorgeous sunrise...tried to get a picture of it, stuck my camera out the window...but I didn't have much luck. I think the car in front of me thought I was crazy so I didn't make a second attempt. Since that wasn't a success I took a picture of my CHART PAPER disaster in my classroom as well as a few other things that occured during the school day. Those of you who teach..especially ESOL kids...know that we have to model all the time. Charts are always falling off the walls...tape just doesn't I totally gave up, ripped them all off of the wall and put them behind my desk (good thing no one goes back there). I am almost embarassed to post these but I promise they will all be cleaned up soon! I talked to building services today and they are going to wax the floor while we are on Spring Break so this means I have to find a home for all these lovely posters that I have spent hours and hours on...the trash can is sounding like a perfect home for these guys right about now! Anyways, I figured I would give you a look into the eyes of a real day of a teacher: objectives written on the board, models up so the kids know what to do, lunch bunches to reward the kids for good behavior/homework completion, pep rallys to pep the kids up for the state test, and handmade cards for the teacher.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 5

As I prepare to head out of town and bring the dog with me..she is all I can think about. Abby and I will be headed to Florida on an airplane at the end of the week. It's her first plane ride..I pray that she is a good dog. She is going to be so excited when she figures out that she is back in FL and reunited with her dog family.
It's been rainy all day so everytime I take her out she runs into her bed or scratches at the blankets for me to cover her up right when we get back inside. Aww, she is such a wonderful 4 legged friend!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 4

Well, today I took a few hogde-podge pictures so I created a collage with them. None of them too special, but's a look at the little moments that filled my day. Pizza, diet coke, and basketball pretty much sums up my day. I am especially sad since the Terps lost but I am SO proud of them. What a great season....

No more Gators, No more really, no more basketball for me...see you next season!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Day 3

Happy Spring! It was a beautiful day the DC area today!! The high was in the low 70's which is such a nice change to the terrible winter we had this year. Abby and I enjoyed walking all around our neighborhood many times throughout the day. I actually wore shorts legs haven't seen the light of day since early October. They are as white as ever, I cannot wait until I am in Florida next week. When I come back to Maryland I hope to have a nice tan or even a burn..anything but this pasty, white skin! In celebration of the sun shining and the trees finally budding a little I took a picture from my balcony. Yay for sunshine and warmth! If it would just stay warm at night...although the days are warmer I still find myself using the heat in both the house and my car in the mornings and evenings.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 2

TGIF! Tonight I went out to Bethesda with a friend of mine. We walked the streets in our sandals (imagine that, the weather is finally warming up). In order to celebrate the warmth and to cheer on the Maryland Terps we went to Austin Grill (which I DO not recommend- at least not this location) and had a TEXAS size drink. Mine was called the STARS AND BARS and was quite delish!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 1

I have decided to embark on the 365 Day Photography Challenge to improve my skills and to capture life's smallest (or biggest moments). Some posts may be very simple, while this one much more special. Although I did not capture these specific images TODAY (so maybe it's a little bit cheating) I did create this collage recently. I wanted to start off with something a little bigger than just a quick snapshot of something that happened today. These pictures were taken by me at a wedding that I attended.