Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 34

I attended the Friends of Gary Williams (FOG) dinner last night. I am amazed by the creative desserts that the chefs come up with that go along with the theme of the night... in tonight's case it was Maryland Basketball!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 33

Well, it seems that I can't keep up with this challenge. I am changing the challenge to something that will work for me rather than giving up. My goal now is to do a minimum of one picture a week. I hope this way something interesting will happen, at least once a week, that I can post. Not only was I getting too busy to do this, I just didn't think enough interesting things were happening each day to post. is a picture of the beautiful Congressional Golf Course in Bethesda, MD. Many former presidents, such as William Howard Taft ,Woodrow Wilson ,Warren G. Harding ,Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover ,Dwight D. Eisenhower. It was fun to spend the evening there.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 32

Today we had speakers from Montgomery College come to speak to our kids about economics and running a business. They made "milkshakes" and tried to come up with the best business plan to ensure that revenue was made. They had a great time...and it was funny to see which kids were really productive and then some who just needed to put up an out of business sign because they were spending more money on "equipment" then they were making on their product. It was a great lesson and I got some cool pictures. In essense of privacy I am only posting those pictures (except for one because I know Ms. Gigi won't mind :) ) of back of the head shots.....the rest I will save for 5th grade graduation!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Sorry I have been on a break for a few days...promise I'll post this weekend. :)

Day 31

On Tuesday we had the awards ceremony for 5th grade. As you can see my class is pretty awesome...and they earned tons of awards!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 30

We spent the day in Georgetown. Although it was chilly, it was a great day. That place never gets old and I always find new and fun places from just walking around. We went to eat at Jetties...which is my ALL time favorite sandwhich shop. It's always packed but they never dissapoint you so it's totally worth the wait. Then we went to M Street to shop, sight see, and of course get cupcakes from Baked and Wired. Here are a few snapshots from the day.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 29

Matt and I went to favorite place. The wait was over an hour but I snagged us a seat in the bar so we were in and out in no time. I had the steak, a loaded baked potato and my all time favorite, the blue cheese chopped salad!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 28

I know I am getting behind..I should be on day 31 but sometimes life gets in the way. Last night I was fortunate enough to be able to go to the Maryland Basketball Honors Banquet. It was an amazing time with some really great people. I really enjoyed myself and will miss the wonderful seniors. Good Luck EHayes, Vasquez, and Milbourne!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 27

Today my lovely hubby and I went on a super romantic date to Qdoba (fast food) Mexican Grill. Perfect for us...Tuesday is College Night...that means 1/2 off all meals! YES!! I flashed my Gator One and got a delicious quesadilla and a diet coke for $3.50. Those of you that know me know that I love a Diet Coke from the fountain machine...pure liquid pleasure!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 26

Today I had the Monday blues for a variety of reasons. After feeling sorry for myself for a little while I realized that life is too short to not enjoy each day..even as tough as the day may have been. As my friend Colleen said..."Life is not easy but it will not always be hard" on that note, I thought a picture of this beautiful sand timer that used to belong to Matt's Uncle Marty was a perfect snapshot of my day. Life in the present for the present is real and your opportunites are now!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 24 and 25

So I am totally cheating this weekend. I didn't do much so I didn't have anything to take a picture of. I could go outside but I feel like I have overdone the outdoors for now. And I thought about taking pictures of something in my condo...but...all my weekend consisted of was laundry, dusting, vacuuming, unpacking...not real photo worthy. So, I am posting three pictures that I took when Erin was here (before I started this blog). I love this girl, she is the little sister I never had!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 23

Today we took a field trip to Strathmore to see the National Philharmonic perform. During the performance canons went off and the lights kept flashing on and on for effect. When we got back that was all the kids could talk much for the all the music and beautifully played instruments....

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 22

It's Abby's 4th Birthday...and Tiki's, Harper's, and Trooper's! Happy Birthday Min' Pin' Fam. Just in case you're wondering... Abby got a first class ticket to go to Florida for Spring Break for her birthday present. She loved it!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 20

I am still amazed by the beautiful flowers that have sprouted since Spring has arrived. It was hot's 7:30 pm and it is 88 degrees! I think it's the hottest day yet...I am loving the weather. I took more pictures of tulips today because I just think they are so beautiful and I don't know how long they are going to be around for!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 19

Spring Break has come to an end...I must prepare by grading mounds and mounds of papers. No more procrastinating..time to get to work! Daydreams of sunshine and summertime are starting right....about....NOW!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Day 18

As sad I was to leave Florida and come back to DC...I was welcomed by beautiful cherry blossoms and colorful tulips. Being a Florida girl all my life I have never really experienced a spring or any of these beautiful trees and flowers! It is so nice to see the dead, brown trees and plants turn into beautiful and colorful flowers. The colors just put a big smile on my face and I actually am enjoying looking outside my window. As much as I would love to stare at palm trees and ocean water all day this takes a close second. GOODBYE BLIZZARD FILLED WINTER....HELLO BEAUTIFUL SPRING!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Day 17

Today is my last day in Florida....sigh....

But, what a way to spend my last Molly Goodheads with a Laurel Chicken Pasta Salad (totally should have taken a picture of this delicious and beautiful dish but I was too hungry and didn't think about it until I was about half way done), an ice cold beverage, and with family and
friends who I hold so very close to my heart.....

I'll miss you sunshine state...but don't worry I'll be back before you know it!!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 16

I got to enjoy the wind in my hair, sun on my face, and the salt water all around me was amazing! We "docked" (I kept calling it parked) at the Frenchy's Boat Dock and went to lunch. As you can see, the dock was packed and we had to wait a little while for a spot...more than worth it though. Lunch was amazing and the company was even better! I love boating and going to the beach...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 15

Ahh, nothing like a mother/daughter day at the spa!